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<古老生活智慧 茶籽文化傳承>

< Ancient intelligent     Tea seed culture > 


籽曰 : 茶籽 - 茶樹的果實,生長於深山曠野中,潔淨無染, 是大自然給予人類的禮物。在洗髪水及沐浴皂未普及時,茶籽已被用於日常生活中,用作清潔頭髮及身體,天然、無毒、有效,不過隨著低成本化學清潔產品的興起,茶籽已被近乎遺忘,但天然實用的茶籽,能徹底改善頭皮、髮質和皮膚,這種古老生活智慧,這種文化,值得被流傳下去  … …

ROHASEED : Tea (Camellia) Seed - Fruit of Tea Tree, grows in wild & secluded mountain, a gift from our nature. In ancient culture, Tea seed has been used in daily life for cleaning hair and body, it is natural, non-toxic and effective. However, with the rise of low-cost chemical cleaning products, tea seeds have been almost forgotten, but natural and Practical tea seeds can completely improve the scalp and hair. This ancient living intelligent and culture is worthy to be retained . . . . . . 



<  Conditioning Philosophy  of  "Cleanse" & "Supplement"  > 


清及補是中醫學重要的調理環節,先清後補,先清除身體內外毒素, 調理至回復自然平衡,補健才能補得其所。 籽曰除了承傳漢方茶籽文化,亦深信這套哲學的智慧,先以茶籽一物多效的天然特性, 清除頭髮、毛孔、頭皮及皮膚上殘餘的化學毒素,促進他們的自我修復、調理至回復自然平衡,再以各種獨特配方補濕滋潤,做到真正護髪護膚。

Cleanse and Supplement are important conditioning parts of Chinese medicine. Detoxify inside and outside the body first, rehabilitate the body to the natural balance, then supplements can make up for it. In addition to inheriting the intelligence and culture of tea seed, we are also convinced of the wisdom of the philosophy. Firstly, remove residual chemical toxins from the hair, follicle and scalp, and then moisturizes with hyaluronic acid to truly protect the hair.



< ROHASEED  Ancient  Tea  seed  Formula >


 [ 一物多效 ]

[  One Substance  |  Multi -Benefit  ]


The Nature has prepared for us the most suitable and effective things, tea seed has multi functions to replace many chemicals, and even better performance. Its natural ingredients are not only for cleaning and degreasing, but also bactericidal and anti-inflammatory and relieve itching, so our hair, hair follicles and scalp can back to the best condition. 

[ 各大功效 ]

[ The Benefits ]

< 潔淨 >     < 消炎 >     < 止癢 >     < 去屑 >

< 豐盈 >     < 柔順 >     < 防脫 >

< Deep Clean >     < Anti-Inflammatory >     < Relieve Itching >     < Anti-Dandruff >

< Volumizing >     < Soften >     < Anti-Loss >


Natural, No Additives, No Harmful Chemicals

/ 無 矽 / 矽 - 假順滑劑 - 堵塞毛孔及頭髮表面

/ Silicone FREE / Silicone - Causes clogged hair follicle & hair surface

/ 無 MI, MIT, MCI, Paraben /  防腐劑 - 皮膚炎及濕疹元兇

/ MI, MIT, MCI, Paraben FREE / Preservative - Culprit for eczema & allergic contact dermatitis

/ 無 Phthalates /  塑化劑軟化劑 - 導致荷爾蒙失調及影響生殖系統

/ Phthalates FREE / Plasticizer - Cause Hormone imbalance & affect Reproduction System

/ 無 Sulfate:  如 SLS /  去油劑 - 導致頭皮及敏感

/ Sulfate FREE: For ex. SLS/ Degreaser - causes dandruff & allergic skin

/ 無類固醇 / 令皮膚萎縮、高血壓、糖尿病、骨質疏鬆和內分泌失調 長期、


/ Steroid FREE / Causes skin atrophy, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis and endocrine disorders
Large doses of steroids can inhibit adrenal function and cause hormonal imbalance

/ 無酒精 /  容易引致皮膚敏感,如脫皮、皮膚炎、主婦手或濕疹

/ Alcohol FREE / Easily cause skin allergies, such as peeling, dermatitis, and eczema


< ROHASEED - 4 Steps of tea seed protection >



< R O H A S E E D  Products >



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